Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Katerina Nikoltsou, Thessaloniki, Greece

Tea for Two x 2
Katerina sent two lovely cards with those distinctive Turkish tea glasses. Twice, or in this case, three cups of tea for good luck!  You can find Katerina here.

Andrea Jay, Staten Island, NY, USA

Good advice
Another drole piece of Mail Art. This sender notes that she is a retired "Hilarious Assistint (sic) Principal."

Michel Della Vedova, Limoges, France

Asterix chez les Bretons
What a fun card for Patricia and Mistie to receive. Patricia is from France so she had no trouble understanding the conversation in this drole card.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tea Time, All Over Again!

Tea Time, all over again!

A terrible thing happened to our little Tea Shop in Carytown, last month. It suffered smoke
damage when the shop next to it had a fire. The wonderful display of mail art, from the last call, was damaged. Patricia and Mistie can't imagining reopening the shop without a display of mail art related to tea. Please help them out, once again, with some wonderful cards.

 Theme: Tea garden to tea cup. All about tea.
Media: open
Size: 4" X 6" (10.5 cm X 15 cm)
No Jury
No returns
On-line documentation

Deadline: 31 Jan. 2011

The work will be exhibited at Carytown Teas in that very large and beautiful gold frame!
The resurrected shop will be as delightful as ever.  In the meantime, they are temporarily house 2 doors down from the shop. The teas have been re-blended. A funny story, the teas smelled smoky after the fire, except for the one tea that was supposed to smell that way. It had NO smell at all. Okay folks, make it happen again for the tea shop. You can see them here.http://www.carytownteas.com
Send your work to -
Carytown Teas
c/o Patricia
24 S. Nansemond St.
Richmond, VA 23221

Include your name, address, and e-mail.